No, Zappos does not sell used shoes. However, there is a possibility to end up buying a re-shelved pair of shoes.
When a customer returns a pair of shoes with no signs of wear or damage to Zappos, they may be restocked and made available for sale.
Still, it is highly unlikely that you will end up buying re-shelved shoes on They have strict quality control procedures in place to ensure that the products they sell are brand new and in excellent condition.
Can I return worn shoes to Zappos?
According to the Zappos Return Policy, the items you are returning must be in unworn condition with all the original tags. You can try the shoes indoors to see if they are a good fit, but if the product does not meet the standards, you will not be eligible for a refund.
What happens to returned Zappos shoes?
A Zappos employee explains what happens when a pair of shoes is returned to the warehouse.
The employee scans the item and checks it to ensure that it is undamaged. An alert may already have been placed on the account requiring a more thorough examination if a customer has reported that the item arrived damaged.
If the item is in good condition, a refund is issued and the item is re-shelved and available for purchase.
If the item is not in good condition, Zappos will most likely issue a refund, and note it on the account to make sure the shoes are not shipped out again.
Can I return worn running shoes to Zappos?
A lot of runners took advantage of Zappos’s generous return policy to return their running shoes after logging many miles.
Because of this, Zappos introduced the 30-Day Runlimited Guarantee. This guarantee allows you to purchase a pair of running shoes, run in them for 30 days, and return them for any reason.